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We Unite and Strengthen Jewish Women Through Friendship, Education, and Service to Ensure the Continuity of Jewish Life. Join the Women Who Make a Difference!


Sisterhood serves the congregation, supports the religious school and our youth, and provides educational and social programming for its members.  It is open to all women who support the Women’s League mission, and we welcome non-Jewish spouses/partners.  We strive to provide programming that serves the needs of our diverse members.  We have a study session with the Rabbi every Wednesday at 10 a.m.  To learn who we are & what we do or to contribute or pay Sisterhood dues, please see below.


Our Weekly Sisterhood Programming

Wednesdays at 10:00 AM
(In Person and here Via Zoom)

Join us on Wednesday mornings at 10 for lively teaching and discussion.
All materials will be provided - come join us for an exploration of Rabbinic texts in translation and enjoy! 

To make reservations, contact Shir Chadash Sisterhood President, Charisse Sands at or (504) 231-6464.




What does Sisterhood do?

  • We are a vibrant group of women whose ages range from 22 to 98 who are friends, confidantes, and a support system for each other.

  • We have the longest running Torah study class in the New Orleans area.

  • Our programming is fun, thought-provoking, educational and interesting. We enjoy Wednesday morning Sisterhood classes, hamantashen baking, brunches, game nights, lunches, book reviews, dinners and panel discussions on topics ranging from parenting, human trafficking, testing for children/teens, and Zionism.

  • We participate in a yearly Torah Fund campaign which supports the Jewish Theological Seminary where our rabbis and many of our professional Jewish educators receive their education.

  • History: Through our fundraisers which included Nearly New, Mitzvah Donor events, calendar/directory publications and Matanati projects (individuals contributing a percentage of funds raised from their special interests), we have provided monies for the sculpture above the ark in the sanctuary, machzors (Rosh Hashana/Yom Kippur prayer books), synagogue tree plantings, kitchen renovations and building a new playground furnished with new equipment.

  • We remodeled and furnished the Beit Midrash.

  • Monies we raise also support our religious school in the form of a $15,000 grant and scholarships. Stipends are provided to Shir Chadash children and teens who attend Camp Ramah Darom, USY/Kadima programs and conventions. Each Bat/Bar Mitzvah receives a voucher redeemable for a USY regional convention registration fee. Holiday care packages have been sent to our college/graduate students. Our future is our children. An investment in them is an investment in our future.


All we’re missing is YOU!

Join us for our 62nd year of scintillating, meaningful programming!




How to Support Our Sisterhood

Listed below are a variety of different donation suggestions and ideas for supporting Shir Chadash's Sisterhood:

Join Sisterhood - $36.00

Place L’Shana Tova greetings in the directory - $ 18.00

Sponsor a page in the directory - $ 22.00

Place a business card ad in the directory - $ 25.00
(Current business size card required; must be received by 8/6

Purchase a Torah Fund pin - $ 180.00
(Monthly installment plan available; check(s) payable to Torah Fund)

Attend Torah Fund Brunch - $ 18.00

Contribute to the Sisterhood Endowment Fund - $$$$$$
(Any amount appreciated and tax deductible.) 

Join the Sisterhood Chai Club - $180.00
(May be paid in installments.)

Most importantly – attend Sisterhood programs!

*Men are also invited to monetarily support & attend programs! Contributions over and above stated prices are always appreciated. All monies paid are charitable contributions and are tax-deductible.  

Have more questions or would like to join? Email Charisse Sands at



Current members can pay their Sisterhood dues online by clicking here. To pay for Sisterhood dues via mail, simply download the form here.

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784